Cody Rahders takes Second Place at Race Town 395 In Spite of Slow Start

Along with the WORCS, Cody Rahders also races in the Superlite class of the Lucas Oil Off Road Series.
Along with the WORCS, Cody Rahders also races in the Superlite class of the Lucas Oil Off Road Series.
Those who follow Cody Rahders can say with all confidence that he is not a slacker. In fact, the driver manages to juggle his time in a manner that allows him to race in two different series. Rahders competes in the Superlite Truck class in the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series (LOORS), as well as manning a Polaris RZR570 in the production 700 class of the World Off Road Championship Series (WORCS).

Rahders and team R3 motorsports recently loaded up the Polaris and headed for Adelanto, California, where they were scheduled to race in the 700/850 class at Race Town 395. Although eager to get the event underway, Cody didn't have the start he was hoping for.
Cody Rahders recently finished second in a WORCS event  at Race Town 395.
Cody Rahders recently finished second in a WORCS event at Race Town 395.
In fact, the driver found himself in the second from last place in a field of thirty cars after the waving of the green flag. "Man, I just wasn't on it and had a bad start," recalled the driver.

Although not happy with his start, Rahders had no intentions of letting up, and in fact, he was focused on making up ground. Although the order held steady throughout the first half of lap one, he began muscling his way toward the front of the pack and had managed to take the third place position as he and his fellow drivers headed back from the desert section of the track.

Once reaching the motocross section of the course Cody Rahders and the two lead drivers were practically neck to neck. Cody eventually took over the second place spot and began his pursuit for the lead. Everything was looking good, until a slight miscalculation lent to Rahders coming up on two wheels. Although making corrections the driver then found himself too far behind to take the checkered flag.

His progression toward the front of the pack was a far cry from easy, as the conditions were less than optimal, as the dust was relentless. "I drove hard, stayed close, let them make mistakes and tried not to get lost in the dust," explained Rahders. When asked if the conditions were dustier than normal, he continued, "Definitely, the worst. Dusty conditions can have a huge impact on the outcome of a race. If you're not out front in clean air, all you do is play catch-up. It makes you have to push through it and take chances you normally wouldn't take. There's nothing else you can do. I would rather have it muddy."
Cody Rahders is a strong advocate of using K&N products to keep his engines contaminant free and running to their peak performance.
Cody Rahders is a strong advocate of using K&N products to keep his engines contaminant free and running to their peak performance.

Referring to his second place finish, the driver said, "I was pretty happy. I actually caught the leader about a mile before the finish and had a shot to win. I went into some corner so hot, trying to make a pass, and bicycled the car so far I thought I was going to roll.It was one of the best saves I've ever had," he continued. And no one was there to see it."

With his race at Race Town 395 behind him, Cody Rahders and his team are geared up and ready for the remainder of the season. When asked the key to future success, the driver said, I have to get the hole shot and stay out front. Referring to the importance his team will play he explained, "they are everything. There is no way I could do this without them."

Rahders is also aware that if he plans on success, it is essential that his car remains in tip-top shape. In turn, he is a strong advocate of maintenance, and depends upon K&N products to keep the internal components of the engine contaminant free.

Maintenance is everything," he explained. "You can be the fastest guy, but it doesn't matter if you're broke down on the side of the track. To finish first; first you must finish," Referring to K&N products he continued, " Number one, they are the best filters, and number two, they support racing. It doesn't get any better than that. I started using K&N in 2009 when I was racing an SR1 at LOORS. I use K&N air and oil filters exclusively on both my Polaris RZR570 UTV, and my Superlite race truck."

When asked what his fans can expect from Cody Rahders and R3 motorsports throughout the remainder of the season, his answer was short and to the point- "Gas is on the right!"

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